Saturday, May 12, 2012

Forgive oath for any wrongdoings

I do apologize to ruin your harmony and peace because of the activities of a devil through me.

I know some of my activities cause sleepless nights of your life. I am making this oath not to justify my position but to ask for your positive support to overcome this situation.
It is evident that I am doing some activities guided by a devil.

I am living in a world of deludes fantasy without realizing the reality. Opportunist devil is trying to fulfill his desires through me. I am in a trap.

I am fortunate that the inner desires of the devil depicted in front of me and I am realizing the mistakes I did.

Devil has entered in me few years back and I started behave differently.

Devil is trying to dissolve his loneliness and fulfill his desires through me. Since I was in illusion, I could not understand that day by day I am ruining my life as well as my kid and family peace.

I could not disclose this information because it could have been ruined my good images as well as the good name earned by you.

Now I need support from all of you.

I am passing a very painful time. Though I was thought that I was doing everything by myself, but believe me devil was behind the scene.

All of you have your own judgment.

Please step forward cautiously in this situation, so that our actions will not support that devil to come closer to me rather our action should kick out that devil from my life.

I misbehaved with all of you. I cheated on my beloved kid and life partner. 

I have nothing now. I lost my position, money, family because of that devil.

Devil makes me believe that I am a rule breaker but it was wrong.

I believe that if any of our family members face these kinds of problems (addiction, misguided by devil, go in wrong path) we should support them instead of throw them away. I will fight till the last breath of my life to bring peace and harmony in our family and society.

I know you all love me. You don’t want to lose me. I am confident that by the grace of God, our collaborative effort will win this fight.

I hope days are not far away that I will overcome this situation and kick out that devil and bring peace and harmony in my life as well as in our family and society.

It is a long journey but for the sake of our kid I must work hard to make good out of bad.

Please forgive me for all my wrongdoings.

A cheater influenced by devil (Requested for annonimity)

(This post is written by one of my blog reader)

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